Safeguarding Children
Clever Clogs Pre-school.
1.2 Supervision Policy
Policy statement
Supervision is a framework to provide direction and guidance to individual staff members on a regular basis. Effective supervision provides support, coaching and training for the practitioner and promotes the interest of children. Our supervision framework fosters a culture of mutual support, teamwork and continuous improvement that encourages confidential discussions of sensitive issues.
Supervision provides opportunities for staff to:
- Discuss any issues concerning children’s development and well-being.
- Identify solutions to address issues as they arise.
- Receive coaching to improve their personal effectiveness.
- Receive feedback on their own performance.
- Clarify roles and responsibilities
- Discuss career progression.
- Have a documented record of their individual progress.
The benefits of supervision for the setting are:
- Improve communication with staff.
- Problems identified at the earliest opportunity.
- Faster more effective solutions to any problems and concerns.
- Written record of the supervision meetings.
Format of supervision meetings:
Supervision meetings will take place annually and will be recorded on a standard Supervision Meeting Record and a signed copy will be given to the member of staff and the original will be kept in their personal staff file. This will be either handwritten at the meeting or typed after the meeting.
Supervision meetings will be a two way process, where both the member of staff and their supervisor have the opportunity to raise items from the discussion. The meetings are a constructive and supportive tool to allow the member of staff and supervisor time to reflect on current work activity and identify any issues and concerns at the earliest opportunity.
Supervision meetings will cover:
- Work activity – Roles, responsibility, current and planned activities.
- Progress and performance – Feedback on the implementation of the role, identification of training needs and career progression.
- Issues and concerns – Specifically in relation to the safeguarding duty and discussing concerns about the behaviour of adults both colleagues and parents. This section can include issues in relation to poor time keeping, attitude to work and relationship with others.
- Support – Discussing support the member of staff may need following any issues raised or personal issues. Resources needed to fulfil work activity.
Manager Appraisals:
- Staff are given a separate questionnaire to identify their views and areas where managers can improve. This is distributed annually.
- Views are respected and taking into consideration, and if management feel action needs to be taken, an outcome will be outlined.
Date: August 2024
Reviewed by: Hannah Miller (Deputy Manager)